No-Fee Direct Payment Methods

Take more bookings with fewer fees. Read more to learn about YouLi 0%-Fee Payment Options, like Direct Bank Transfer, Zelle, and more.

Automated Payments

Credit Card payments are the most convenient way to collect bookings. You as a Planner receive the money in seconds, and the client receives immediate confirmation. However, Credit Card payments come with a price.  

The fee you pay to process a booking via CC, the so-called "Merchant" or "Transaction" fee may include the CREDIT CARD FEE (always) and BOOKING FEE (depending on your YouLi plan). 

Credit card payments in YouLi will incur:

  • CREDIT CARD FEES charged by the CC merchant service and processed via Stripe, Square, CyberSource, or

NOTE: Learn how to apply Credit Card Surcharge to pass the CC fee to your customers. 

NOTE: If you want to avoid paying the YouLi BOOKING FEE, you can utilize one of our NO-FEE PAYMENT OPTIONS.

What are the available no-fee payment options for group bookings?

  1. Manual Bank Transfer Instructions - NO Credit Card Fees, NO YouLi Booking Fees.
    Contact your bank to check if other fees apply (for example, fees associated with International transfers)

  2. Link

  3. Pay over Phone

  4. Zelle
  5. Custom Payment Link and any other custom payment instructions (like Bitcoin if you are so brave!) - this could be ANY link.For example, your partner's booking page, Donation Page, Venmo, etc. -  YouLi will redirect your payment to ANY platform. 

NO-FEE PAYMENT OPTIONS are a great way to save $$$ on the booking fee. In many cases, like domestic bank transfers, you will avoid ALL transaction fees by allowing your clients to send the payment directly to your bank. 

NOTE: Keep in mind that Direct Bank Transfers may take 3-7 business days. 
To optimize your cash flow, you may set up the DEPOSITS to be collected via Credit Card, and collect the remaining installments via bank transfers. 

How to set up no-fee payment options for your bookings? 

NO-FEE PAYMENT OPTIONS are available on YouLi Premium plans.

To set up your payment options:

  • Go to UPDATE TRIP > PRICING tab.
  • If you are currently in a BROCHURE MODE, click "Switch to BOOKINGS MODE to start taking payments"
  • Scroll down to PAYMENT METHODS
  • Proceed as instructed on the screen (depending on your preferred payment method)

Watch the video below to review the BOOKING FLOW for no-fee payment methods in YouLi: 

How to change the button labels

Looking to change NOTIFY PLANNER to something more relevant for your audience? Like PAYMENT MADE or DONE, etc.

1. Within your trip, click to UPDATE TRIP -> SETTINGS

2. Scroll down to PACKAGES & PAYMENTS:

Update the value in the "Notify Planner Button" box and click SAVE CHANGES.


Watch the webinar replay to learn how you can lower your TRANSACTION FEE by setting up the no-fee payment options: 



Need more help? 

Join our open Community webinars or watch replays for a detailed overview of the features, LIVE discussion with the experts, and Q&A.